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One day, I found it was seven o'clock in the morning when I woke up in winter and winter. I put on my clothes and shoes, brushed my teeth and washed my face and ran. On the way to school, I hurried to the other side of the road. I didn't walk on the zebra crossing in winter and was hit by a car. My mother hurriedly sent Dongdong to the hospital.


If we don't obey the traffic rules, there will be life danger, that is, a car accident. I understand that the red light stops and the green light goes. If I see the red light, I will stop. If I see the green light, I will walk slowly. However, sometimes I see my mother and grandpa run the red light. I say no, they will pull me over. At this time, I'm not happy, and I'm angry.


  • 标签: 作文 马路 英语 一年级 翻译 英文作文30字带翻译
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