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Today, let me talk about my dream!


In the morning, it was still drizzling outside the window. I suddenly got up from the bed. I remember I had a dream. I dream: I hold a very naughty, white puppy, I named it Lula. It's adding to my head. I touch it, and it disappears without trace. I want to see this puppy again, but it's too late. I wake up, ha ha!



During the summer vacation, my sister and I had the happiest time together. We swim and chat together. We also went to Zhongshan Park with our parents. There are cinemas, Guishan, Jiuqu bridge The scenery there is beautiful, picturesque and magnificent. And the fish playing freely in the clear water, the blue sky and the fresh air. Make people linger.



Another summer vacation is coming. Summer life is really colorful! In the first few days, I am really happy and free. There is no restriction of homework that must be done every day, so it feels good.


I have been playing for several days. During the day, I can rest at any time, or go out for my favorite activities at any time. In the evening, watch TV, go shopping, and then go to sleep carefree. In the morning, in addition to occasionally jumping up nervously to see if you are late, you are still attached to dreamland.


After that, I had another ten days of full and meaningful summer camp. However, more than ten days later, I somehow think of my classmates and teachers. It's a bit boring to stay at home. I pat myself on the head. I'm really cheap! I'm looking forward to my vacation when I study. Ah, it's hard to wait, but I want to go to school again. I can't figure it out myself.


In the second half of August, there was no happiness or boredom. In my heart, I just want to rush through my homework and brush. I can see everywhere I lie on my stomach and write fast. The rejection rate of what to do as a guest, shopping or playing is 99%. So the brain and arms have been moving at high speed for more than ten days, and they are still working hard.


Summer vacation is over again. I can see my classmates again


  • 标签: 五年级 作文 翻译 英语 暑假 写给父母的作文带翻译
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