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Winter comes again, this is my fifth winter vacation since elementary school. Holiday that day, the teacher a lot of homework on the blackboard. Due to the winter vacation homework more, need reasonable arrange time to complete, so I made a plan for the winter vacation to learn.


I'm going to put the winter vacation homework math and Chinese winter vacation homework do three surfaces. And in the winter vacation reading a good book, "we good word", "detective conan" and the "the practical abstract upper and lower edition watch. About a day at about 20 minutes. Finished winter vacation homework in the morning and after reading the rest of the time free activities. This is I use my mother's mouth. His work is. To sleep for an hour at noon, afternoon to learn Kim seng. Learned after a hour to go to school in the computer computer application knowledge, reading a an article "love education", and say what comments after reading this article, what is the feeling, what to do in the future, and so on.

Before sleeping to delve into a really, read an English composition, ha ha, this is "language, number and the three-no" by mistake!

The above is my study plan, winter vacation? My winter vacation plan is good! Oh, by the way, I also want to help my parents do some housework, because in this way can make mom happy. After listening to my plan, is you happy?






  • 标签: 寒假 英语 计划 作文 四年级 四年级作文暑假计划
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