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After you come back from guilin to play, in order to let me have a full, and happy summer vacation, I made a plan.


In the aspect of learning in the first place. Because I read too much time, so in the summer vacation I want to read some books more, ensure to read 1 hours a day, and to "engagement" and the book. Every day recite an ancient even, to write a diary, practice calligraphy for 20 minutes. In order to let my English improved, I will read English for 15 minutes. On the basis of doing these, at the end of the holidays in order to I learn more easily, I'm ready to prepare the grade five major courses.

Secondly in other ways. I want to go out to travel more, hope I can in the second classroom and learn some knowledge not learn in school. I also want to go to learn swimming, visiting relatives and friends. In addition to these, I will stick to my special skill learning, such as the erhu enough to practice every day 1 hour, Latin dance for distinction, painting teacher assigned homework, etc.

To do well, of course, the health is the most important, so in order to complete my plan, I want to insist to take exercise every day, or cycling, or swimming, or walking.

Since the plan, must be completed on schedule, if not completed on schedule, is white. So I must seriously to complete his plan, not perfunctory.







  • 标签: 暑假 作文 英语 计划 三年级 三年级暑假计划作文
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