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狐狸和葡萄 The Fox and the Grapes英语作文

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One day a fox said to himself,"I am me see what I can get here."

 狐狸和葡萄 The Fox and the Grapes英语作文

So the fox looked up and down for something to r a mo-ment he came to a wall was very fox stopped at the bottom of the wall and looked e,at the top of the wall,he saw some beautiful grapes.

"I must get those grapes."said the fox,"I want to eat look so beautiful.I think I can jump up and get them.

So the fox started to jump up to get the he couldn't get the wall was too high for him.

Then the fox went away and said,"I don't want those are green.I don't think they are good to eat."


一天,一只狐狸自言自语:“我饿了。 让我看看我能在这里找到什么东西吃。”






  • 标签: Grapes 作文 葡萄 英语 狐狸 SAT作文
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