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my dream的高一年级英语作文

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I have a very good dream since I was a child, to be a painter.

 my dream的高一年级英语作文

I want to use my brush to describe the motherland's great rivers, want to draw all good to me, a person's thoughts will be from the picture, and I, is the man who want to be with brush about life.

Wanted to let everyone see my picture, because I hope my picture can let all people like my painting a happy. Had a dream never grow old, and I will for my dream has been trying to, I hope my efforts can help more people.

I also hope I can go to some poor places in those children drawing, painting can give people bring happiness, through draw to express their emotions, their idea is very good.

There are some very beautiful places in China, I also want to use my hand brush paint the motherland great rivers, through every corner.

People should strive for my ideal, so I want to use the hands of the brush to paint the world.








  • 标签: 年级 作文 dream 英语 高一 生日party作文
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