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I like swimming, why know? Because swims very amusingly.I may be joyful swim swim, look like a fish to be soon as I have the time on to go to the seashore swimming with Shan the dazzling bright, I am looking like a small angel.I like swimming, you?


Today, I went fishing with my elderly brother. It was interesting, especially when we caught fishes. Fishing needs a lot of patience, because it takes a long time to catch a fish. Firstly, we prepared some baits and then put the fishing rod in the water. And then wait. I didn’t have much patience and looked at the fishing rod frequently. My brother told me not to do that, otherwise I would never catch a fish. My brother was good at it and he got five but I got none. I was a little upset. But brother told me that I can go fishing with him next time. I look forward to it.


The future school in my eyes is a place where students can enjoy tremendous amount of freedom and the pleasure of study. As we all know, schools nowadays do not provide students with good environment to study and to grow up. Therefore, I hope that the future schools will focus more on that and help students to fully develop themselves.


  • 标签: 二年级 作文 英语 小学 小学生二年级优秀作文
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